
Providing nutritious and well-balanced meals for growing minds and bodies.

Meals & Snacks

Each day we provide three nutritious and well-balanced meals. We provide morning breakfast at 8:30 am, lunch at 11:30 am, and afternoon snack at 3:00 pm. To ensure your child is eating nutritious meals, we have enrolled our daycare in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) offered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). We will offer a well-balanced diet and follow a weekly menu containing meal plans approved by the CACFP. All our meals and snacks are prepared following zabiha halal guidelines.

Special Diets

If your child has any dietary needs resulting from being a vegetarian, or having allergies, religious beliefs, or non-religious beliefs, etc., please let us know. We are committed to accommodating your child's dietary requirements.

Infant Feedings

Infant feedings follow these procedures:

  • Bottle-fed infants are fed while being held or sitting up.
  • Infants are fed “on cue” to the extent possible (at least every 4 hours and usually not more than hourly) and by a consistent caregiver.
  • Expressed breast milk may be brought from home if frozen or kept cold during transit. Guidelines from the State of Nebraska on breastmilk storage and usage will be followed.
  • Formula must be brought in a factory-sealed container in a ready-to-feed strength or powder or concentrate. Formula brought from home must be labeled with your child’s name.
  • Solid foods will only be introduced after a consultation with the child’s family.

Toddler Feedings

  • Children are encouraged to self-feed to the extent that they have the skills.
  • Children are encouraged, but not forced, to eat a variety of foods.
  • Round, firm foods that pose a choking hazard for children less than 4 years of age are not permitted. These foods include: hot dogs, whole grapes, peanuts, popcorn, thickly spread peanut butter, and hard candy.

Nutrition Matters

Contact us to discuss your child's dietary needs or learn more about our meal plans.

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