Cleanliness and Diapering

Ensuring a healthy and hygienic environment for your child.

We take the well-being of your child very seriously and work hard to provide an environment that is as healthy as possible. We are committed to keeping our home and the children in it as clean as possible to help minimize and/or prevent the spread of germs. Our home is kept clean and always disinfected. We thoroughly clean surfaces that children come in close contact with using soap and water, or Lysol, etc. The highchairs are cleaned between each use, and the diaper changing tables are cleaned and disinfected between each diaper change. Toys are cleaned and disinfected often, and water-play tables are cleaned and disinfected before being filled with water and carefully supervised when in use.

Regular Handwashing

Hand washing is the single most effective practice in preventing the spread of germs. We wash our hands many times throughout the day, as well as the children's hands before and/or after engaging in a thorough list of activities.

Childcare Provider Washes Their Hands:

  • Before beginning work
  • Immediately before handling food or feeding children
  • After using the toilet, after changing soiled clothing, and after changing diapers
  • After coming into contact with any bodily fluid, such as a wet or soiled diaper, runny nose, spit, or vomit
  • Whenever hands are visibly dirty
  • After cleaning a child, the room, toys, or bathroom
  • Before giving medication or applying ointment
  • After work

Children Wash Their Hands:

  • As soon as they enter our home
  • Immediately before and after eating
  • After changing soiled clothing and after diaper changes
  • After using water tables
  • After using playdough or other substances
  • After playing on the playground
  • Whenever hands are visibly dirty
  • Before going home

Diaper Policy

Diapers are checked frequently and changed every three hours or more often if required. Disposable changing mats are used to change diapers and are immediately discarded after each change and replaced with a new one. The diaper changing table is cleaned and disinfected between each diaper change, and hand washing of childcare provider and child is performed after each diaper change.

Toilet Training

We are committed to working with you to make sure that toilet training is carried out in a manner that is consistent with your child’s physical and emotional abilities and your family’s concerns.

Have Questions About Our Hygiene Practices?

Contact us to learn more about how we maintain a clean and safe environment for your child.

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